Bangkok Design Week 2020

February 1st to 9th, 2020


CES2020に引き続き土や水道水のほか、食物や日用品などから得た微小な電力をLEDの光として表現しました。BANGKOK DESIGN WEEKの初日には米国や香港からデザイナー・エンジニア・アーティストを招き、国際シンポジウム"REGENERATING GOOD BANGKOK”を開催いたしました。


Venue: O.P. Place Shopping Plaza

The E!ROOM shows environmental-friendly technology that achieves the sustainable development goal of “affordable and clean energy”. 
An extremely small amount of electricity is produced by the contact between specific materials and in facets of the environment such as water, soil and plants.
This is a known fact, but no one has tried to utilize that phenomenon, and it has not been discussed if it could be helpful in our lives, because the amount of energy generated is so small.
In 2019, integration between sensingnet’s contactor technology and Asahi Kasei’s regenerator chip has produced affordable and clean energy from water, soil, plants and, even more amazingly, concrete blocks.