Super Sensing
As I Gazed at the Flowers,
a Stone was Gazing at the Stars.
SUPER SENSING is a new theoretical system that solves the challenges that "sensing" faces.
What is a sensor, and what is sensing?
Surprisingly, these terms can be defined quite simply. We humans perceive the environment that surrounds us through our five senses. By inserting some kind of medium between any of those senses and the environment, we are able to obtain even more detailed information and learn things that we did not know. We call that type of medium a “sensor”, I would like to define that overall process as “sensing”.
近年、センサー関連技術の進化によって、従来の用途を超えた新たなセンシングの可能性を見出すことができるようになりました。センシングを3つのノードと2つのリンクでモデル化すると、これらの要素の組み合わせを変えることで概念を拡張することができます。これをSUPER SENSINGと定義します。
Applying the 3-node- 2-link theory of my Sensing Design Diagram enables us to come up with new sensing designs that we have never had before. And I would like to use “SUPER SENSING” to refer to this approach and system that brings new ideas to sensing by rethinking the structure of sensing design and reconfiguring the process of development based on those design concepts. In line with that thought, I will introduce nine basic patterns of development and explain the characteristics of each design.